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New pejorative watch type

Okay, we all know that a Frankenwatch is a watch that is made up out parts that were not originally included in that watch. The resultant watch can be as begign as an old Omega that was restored with a different caliber movement because the original one is obsolete, or as vile and disgusting as the crap that cobbles together in their back room, and sells on the internet to unsuspecting victims.

There are also counterfeits and fakes of unending variety that can be seen on Ebay, and here there appear to be two common garden varieties of fraud. The first is the simple cheap reproduction of expensive Omegas, with some being pretty good fakes, and some being real stinkers. Secondly, there is the practice of using real pictures from people like Chuck to sell God only knows what kind of watch, provided that the con artist even bothers to send one to his helpless victim.

I think, however, that there is a far rarer variety of fake running around out there, and that the kind that I will refer to as a "Jackalope watch". Yes, there are countless pictures of them, and you can actually buy stuffed and mounted ones at Wall Drug in South Dakota, but there has NEVER been a live specimen on the face of this earth.

I think the fake that Chuck recently uncovered on Ebay HAS to be a jackalope watch, as it's a complete impossibility for there to be a watch with TWO SEPARATE DATE INDICATIONS, with the additional "complication" (eat your heart out, F.P. Journe!) that one date is NUMERIC and the other is a subdial.

I cannot explain why someone would go to the trouble of concocting such a visual image, and then actually try to SELL a watch that cannot possibly be what this picture depicts it to be, but it seems to have happened. Even for someone with my imagination, this seemed like an impossible stretch. I don't suppose there's much point in holding onto any hope that the new Bond watch is also a jackalope, is there??

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New pejorative watch type
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