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Re: I'll Second THAT...
In Response To: I'll Second That... ()

: In fact, it always angers me when Chuck is so
: viciously attacked over on timezone for
: simply stating the facts about the 33xx
: series. Those that defend the movements are
: only giving their opinions , but Chuck has
: taken the time to actually compile the data
: to document the 33xx failures. Thus, Chuck's
: posts are based on actual real-world data,
: not mere hypotheses or "gut
: feelings".

: In fact, things have become so nasty that I
: have seen Chuck attacked by people who say
: that "Chuck must be happy to see
: another 33xx series failure to add to his
: blog." Give me a break!!! We would ALL
: love to see Omega and Piguet get their acts
: together and fix these movements once and
: for all. How do any of us benefit from
: buyers spending thousands of dollars on
: watches that break?

: In response to Felix's post, I honestly don't
: think that Omega cares what we, the
: consumers, have to say about their QC
: shortcomings. After all, we had over 240
: people sign a petition to get my AD
: reinstated, and many of the signers also
: wrote personal letters to Omega. Not one
: person, myself included, received any reply
: from the powers that be at Omega. Even if
: Omega didn't agree with our petition, they
: could have offered us the courtesy of a
: reply.

: I think Omega has an agenda, and making
: improvements based on what loyal and
: knowledgeable consumers have to say is not
: part of it.

The people who are attacking Chuck obviously don't know what they're talking about - they are the people that jump to conclusions without even considering all of the different POVs. Personally, I believe that Omega should cease production of the 33xx until they figure out what they're doing wrong.... Or since it's apparent that customers can't write to Omega for action, they should just ignore all 33xx cals.... Sale drops - if anything - should get their attention.

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